Address : Tentoonstellingslaan 72, 9000 Gent (Belgium)
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VIII. PUBLICATIONS (a selection)



- Born at Zelzate (Belgium) on September 25, 1934.

- Doctor Faculty Philosophy and Litterature (Dept. of History) State University of Ghent (1962).

- Postgraduate at the Ecole des Chartes (Paleography and Diplomatics) and Law School of the Sorbonne (Canon Law) at Paris, 1959 1960.

- Member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1996 and1999).



- Assistant at the University of Ghent from 1957 to 1962 (prof. E. I. Strubbe).

- Tenure-assistant and part time professor from 1962 to 1967 (prof. H. Van Werveke).

- Full time professor at the State University of Ghent since 1967 for methodology of history, financial history, paleography and diplomatics and for practical courses on the late middle ages in the social and political area.

- Extraordinary professor at the Free University of Brussels since 1966.

- Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Litterature of the University of Ghent (1984 86).

- Member of the Board of Governors of the University of Ghent (1989-1992); chairman of the steering committee of the Public Relations and Students Advice Services of the University (1989-1993).

- Emeritus professor at the University of Ghent since October 1, 1999.



- Visiting professor at the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) in march-april 1968.

- Visiting professor at the University of California in Berkeley (March-May 1983), for the P.P. Rubens chair on the history of the Low Countries (course on the Burgundian Netherlands).

- Visiting professor at Rutgers University, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) (February May 1987) ; undergraduate course on "The Harvest of the Middle Ages" ; graduate course on "Crime and Violence in the Middle Ages" ; practical course on "Paleography".

- Visiting professor at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia (U.S.A.) (February - May 1989) ; resident Faculty Fellow in Modern Languages College House (Philadelphia).

- Visiting professor at Rutgers University, New Brunswick (U.S.A.) (February - May 1989).

- Visiting professor at the University of Columbia (New York) from January to May 1993, for two graduate courses on Sources of the Middle Ages (and on Auxiliary Sciences) and on Social History of Europe from the 13 th to the 17 th. century.

- Researcher as a Member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton from september to december 1996.

- Researcher as a Visitor of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton from januari to march 1999.

- Visiting professor at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg (Virginia), as James Pinckney Harrison professor, from october 1999 until May 2000 ; course on : 'The Black Death'.

- Visiting professor at the University of Princeton, Program in Medieval Studies, as Fellow of Humanities Council and Medieval Studies, from June 1 to 30, 2000, for an intensive course on "Introduction to Western medieval and early modern paleography and codicology".

- Visiting professor at the University of Columbia (New York) from January to May 2001, for an undergraduate course on 'The Historian's Craft'.

- Visiting professor at the University of Columbia (New York) from September to December 2002, for an undergraduate course on 'The Historian's Craft'.

- Visiting professor, as a chair-holder of the P. P. Rubens-Chair, at the University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of History, from January to May 2004, for a graduate course on ‘Men and Women in the Medieval Cities’, in collaboration with prof. dr. Jan De Vries, vice-provost of the University of California.

- Visiting professor, as a chair-holder of the Anton Van Dyck Chair, at the University of California at Los Angeles, Department of History, from april to june 2008, for a graduate course on "The Social Position of Women in Medieval Low Countries", and an undergraduate course on '"Golden Ages in the Low Countries (15th and 17th c).

- Visiting professor at Columbia University, Department of History, in New York (U.S.), from January to May 2011, for a seminar course on the theme 'People before the Court: popular culture in the late medieval Low Countries', as chairholder of the Queen Wilhelmina Chair.



- Lecturer, since 1973, organiser since 1990 (as secretary general), since 1996 as president, since 2001 as ‘président d’honneur’, of the International congresses of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique at Budapest (1973), Barcelona (1974), Paris (1977), Madrid (1978), Rome (1979), Zaragoza (1982), München (1983), Stuttgart (1985), Edimburgh (1989), Madrid (1990), Porto-Coïmbra (1991), Olomouc (Tcheco-Slowakia) (1992), Innsbruck (1993), Sevilla (1994), Montreal (1995), Heidelberg (1996), Gent (1998), Princeton (1999), Oslo (2000), Bologna (2001), Troyes (2003) and Bonn (2005).

- Guest lecturer at Columbia University (New York) and at Brown University (Providence) (U.S.A.) in 1978.

- Guest lecturer at the Universities of Leiden (1979 and 1991) and Nijmegen (1982) (The Netherlands); at Lille (France) in 1965 and 1981.

- Lecture at the Congress of the Société Jean Bodin in Athens Delphoi on 'Man versus Political Power in the Netherlands', 1981.

- Lecturer at the Congress of Social and Economic History, on the social position of the officials in the late middle ages in Prato (Italy) in May 1982.

- Lecture at the International Congress "Le temps ou l'histoire se fit science (1830 48)", by the Comité français des Sciences historiques (Paris, 1985).

- Guest lecturer at the University of Cincinnati and at Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania)(1987).

- Lectures at the Universities of Columbia (N.Y.), Penn (Philadelphia), Georgetown (Washington), Brown (Providence), Holy Cross (Worcester, Mass.), Berkeley (California), in February- April 1989.

- Lecture at the Meeting of the American Historical Association at San Francisco (december 1989) on "Ambition, Charm and Political Dynamism : The Burgundian Success in the Low Countries".

- Lecture at the University of Giessen (Germany), june 1990 : "Laudatio für C.R. Brühl".

- Lecture at the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, january 1991, on : "Flanders today. Historical and Political Evolution".

- Chair of the Erasmus Intensive Course on Urban History (dir. P. Clark, Leicester) at Leuven, april 1991, on : "Town and Countryside from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution".

- Lecture at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) on november 27, 1991, on "Repression and grace for seduction and rape in late medieval France".

- Lectures and Seminars at the Universities of Duke (North Carolina), Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Arizona (Tucson), Harvard (Cambridge, Mass.), Columbia (New York), Minnesota (Minneapolis) and Berkeley (California) from January to May 1993, on "Violence on Women in the Middle Ages", "Court and City Culture in the Low Countries from 1100 to 1530", "Love and Marriage in 15 th. Century literature and Society. Fictions and Realities", "An Anglosaxon Model useful and workable in the Belgian University Framework with its Latin Tradition ?".

- Lecture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) on 18 May 1993, on "Court and City Culture in the Netherlands in the Late Middle Ages". Lecture at the International Conference organised by the French Research Center in Jerusalem (CNRS) and the European Studies Center at the Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv on Religion and Politics, on 17 May 1993, on "Church, State and Society in the Low Countries during the Burgundian Period (15 th. Century)".

- Lecture at the University of Sevilla (Spain), Congress of the Comm. Internat. de Diplomatique, September 1994, on "Le notariat dans les anciens Pays-Bas, 14e. - 16e. siècles".

- Lecture at the Conference 'Medieval Crime and Social Control' at the Univ. of Minnesota (Minneapolis) (Febr. 1995) on "Violence on Women in Fifteenth Century France and the Burgundian State".

- Lecture at the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham Univ. (New York), March 1995, on "Marriage and Social Mobility in 15th. Century Burgundian Netherlands".

- Organiser and chair of the Intensive Course of the Erasmus-program with the Universities of Leicester, Strasbourg, Berlin, Santander, Leiden, Leuven, Chapel Hill (N.C.) and William and Mary (Williamsburg) at Ghent in April 1995.

- Lecture at the the International Congress of Historical Sciences in Montreal, Canada, August 1995, on "L'enregistrement dans les chancelleries princières et dans les villes des anciens Pays-Bas".

- Lecture at the University of Leicester (U.K.) in April 1996, on "Culture and Social Groups in the Cities of the Southern Low Countries in the Middle Ages".

- Lecture at the meeting van The Delaware Valley Medieval Association at Princeton, on December 7, 1996, on 'Interpreting the discourses on women in fifteenth-century France and the Burgundian Netherlands'.

- Lecture on 'Power and counterpower in the Burgundian Netherlands in the 15th Century', on 13 march 1998 at the Eleventh Biennal New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, at Sarasota, Fla., U.S.A.

- Chair and presentation of the conclusions of the congres of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, organised at Gent from 25 to 29 August 1998, on the theme 'La diplomatique urbaine en Europe'.

- Lecture on 'Les ducs de Bourgogne et les enlèvements de femmes dans les élites des Pays-Bas du XV e siècle' at the 6. Symposium der Residenzkommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, on 'Das Frauenzimmer. Die Frau bei Hofe in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit', at Dresden (Deutschland), on september 29, 1998.

- Lecture at the 'Fourth Day of the Medievalists' on 'Verbeelding en werkelijkheid' organised by the Netherlands Research School for Medieval Studies, at the University of Utrecht The Netherlands), on october 10, 1998, on 'Fiction : a weapon in reality'.

- Lecture on "The quality of the notions power and counterpower in medieval Flanders", at a meeting of Faculty and Members of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton on februari 9, 1999.

- Lecture on "Pardon Tales and Counsel's Pleadings in France and in the Burgundian Netherlands in the Late Middle Ages", in the program of the Medieval Studies at the University of Princeton, on march 24, 1999.

- Lecture on 'Conscience et perception de la condition sociale parmi les gend du commun dans les anciens Pays-Bas du XIIIe et XIVe siècle' at the 'Congrès International de l'Université de Montréal' on 'Le petit peuple dans la société de l'Occident médiéval. Terminologies, perceptions, réalités', op october 18, 1999 at Montréal (Canada).

- Lecture on "Bargaining with Reality. Medieval Letters of Clemency and Sentencing Documents", at the 'Fall Conference of The Midwest Medieval History Conference', organised by the University of Cincinnati, on October 23, 1999.

- Cycle of lectures at the Univ. of William and Mary, for the 2000 James Pinckney Harrison Lectures, called 'Understanding the Late Middle Ages : Reading the Evidence'. The first lecture was on 'Clandestine Marriages' (January 31, 2000), the second on 'Poor and Rich in the middle ages (February 7, 2000), the third on 'Crime, guilt and Pardon' (February 14, 2000).

- Lecture on "The notion of poverty in the Middle Ages", at the University of the Old Dominion at Norfolk (Virginia), on April 5, 2000.

- Lecture on "The Promised Lands. The Culture of the Low Countries in the 15th century', at the Univ. of Clemson, on April 14, 2000.

- Lecture on "The changing views on time in the Middle Ages. When precision became an obsession?" at de Interdisciplinary Conference on Netherlandic Studies (ICNS) "Janus at the Millennium", at the University of California at Berkeley, on June 27, 2000.

- Lecture on "Les résultats de 35 ans de recherche au sein de la Commission Internationale de Diplomatique", at Oslo (Norway) on August 11, 2000, at the 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences (Internal Commission, CID).

- Lecture on "Urban Chanceries in the Low Countries from the 12 th to the 14 th Centuries. The European Context", at the Internationaler Studientag 'Stadt, Kanzlei und Kultur', organised by the University of Münster (Germany) and the 'Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek Groningen', at Münster on 1 and 2 december 2000.

- Lecture on : "From a Reliable Source : Teaching 'An Introduction to Historical Methodology' to Undergraduates in Belgium and the U.S.", at the University of Dartmouth (New Hampshire), on April 24, 2001.

- Lecture on "The changing views on time in the Middle Ages. When precision became an obsession?", at the University of Bonn (Germany) on June 26, 2001.

- Lecture on 'Les sources de la pratique judiciaire en Flandre du XIIe au XVe siècle, et leur mise en oeuvre par les historiens', at the Colloque International on 'Pratiques sociales et politiques judiciaires dans les villes de l'occident à la fin du moyen âge', organised by the Ecole Française de Rome, at Avignon (France) from November 29 to December 1 2001.

- Lecture on 'How to Approach Writing a History Research Paper', at the Undergraduate History Writing Workshop of the History Department at Columbia University at New York, on October 18, 2002.

- The Thirteenth Annual Rossell Hope Robbins Lecture on 'Clandestine Marriages in the Middle Ages : A Learned Canon Law Construction and a Strategic Weapon in the Social Battlefield', at the Medieval Club of New York, on November 1, 2002.

- Lecture at the Medieval Studies University Seminar of Columbia University, at New York, on December 10, 2002, on ' The Boundaries of Rich and Poor in the Middle Ages'.

- Lecture at the XI th Congress of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique in Troyes (France) on September 12, 2003, on ‘La Flandre au moyen âge. Un pays de trilinguisme administratif’

- Lecture on 'Clandestine Marriages in the Middle Ages : A Learned Canon Law Construction and a Strategic Weapon in a Social Battlefield', for the Medieval Studies, in the Faculty Club at the University of California at Berkeley, on February 20, 2004.

- Lecture on ‘Performers and Writers of Subversive Plays in the Late Medieval Low Countries’, for the Netherlands America University League of California for the Promotion of the Arts and Sciences, at the University of California at Berkeley, on March 14, 2004.

- Lecture on ‘Subversive Ideas and Subversive Plays in the Low Countries of the 15th century’, as the official Peter Paul Rubens Talk, in the Department of History, University of California at Berkeley, on April 12, 2004.

- Lecture on ‘Les aspects idéologiques et les fonctions sociales des arts et des fêtes à l’époque bourguignonne’, at the Colloque d’histoire médiévale on ‘Musique, fêtes et fastes à la fin du Moyen Age à Dijon et dans les pays bourguignons’, on July 2, 2005 at the Palais des Ducs of Dijon.

- Conclusions and chair of the final session at the colloquium of the Commission internationale de diplomatique, on ‘Diplomatik im 21. Jahrhundert. Bilanz und Perspektiven’, organised at the University of Bonn on September 10, 2005.

- Lecture on ‘Le notaire public médiéval en Flandre: un des joueurs sur le marché libre de la production des actes privés’, at the ‘Journées d’étude sur les tabellions, XIVe – Xve siècle’, organised by the Université Paris VII - Jussieu and the Ecole nationale des Chartes at Paris, on September 24, 2005.

- Lecture on ‘The Importance and the Functions of a Pedagogical and a Scientific Visitation of Universities in the Netherlands’, Utrecht, Qanu meeting, on March 13, 2006.

- Chair of the section 'Les marchands' at the Journée d'Etudes 'Archives, Pouvoir et Société. Europe - Asie, Moyen Age - Temps Modernes. Les enjeux de la conservation' organised at Paris in CARAN (Archives Nationales), on June 18, 2007, organised by the Ecole Nationale des Chartes and the Institut national de littérature japonaise de Tokyo, Département des sciences archivistiques, with researchers from Japan, China, Korea, Turkey, England, France and Belgium.

- Chair of the section 'Le tabellion acteur du droit vivant et passeur de pratiques', with an introduction on 'Le public, les juristes et les praticiens, tous des moteurs des changements dans les normes de la pratique notariale', at the Seconde Journée d'étude on 'Les tabellions, XIVe - XVe siècle', organised by the Université Paris VII - Jussieu and the Ecole nationale des Chartes at Paris, on September 7, 2007.

- College over 'Honneur et vengeance dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons', in het kader van het Séminaire 'L'honneur au moyen âge', geleid door prof. Claude Gauvard en Robert Jacob, aan de Université Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne, op 18 maart 2008.

- Lecture on 'The Notion of Honor in the Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Netherlands', at the session 'The Achievement and Influence of Bryce Lyon (1920-2007)', at the 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, at Kalamazoo (Michigan), on May 8, 2009.

- Lecture on November 27, 2009 in Amsterdam on 'Quand un honorable bourgeois de Malines, 'marié avec une bonne et honeste femme', s'encanaille dans une compagnie de théâtre en marge de la bonne société (1475)', during the colloquium 'La permission et la sanction: théories légales et pratiques du théâtre (1400-1600)', organised by Jelle Koopmans and Katell Lavéant (department of French Literature, University of Amsterdam).

- Lecture on 'L'écrit dans les villes de Flandre au moyen âge', at the colloquium of the 'Projet d'enquête : Les Parisiens et l'Ecrit', organised by the Ecole nationale des Chartes in Paris, on September 13, 2010.

- Lecture on 'Remembering Wim Blockmans' at the meeting in honor of the emeritate of Wim Blockmans, on September 17, 2010, in the Groot Auditorium of the Academiegebouw of the University of Leiden.

- Seminar on 'Les compagnies de théâtre itinérantes dans les villes des anciens Pays-Bas du 15ème siècle', in the Master class of prof. Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, at the Université Paris IV, Sorbonne, on December 9, 2010.

- Lecture on 'The crisis of the Belgian State. Is there a future for Belgium? There is, at least, a past', at the department of International Studies (Moses Hall) and the department Dutch Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, on April 6, 2011.

- Seminar on 'The earliest wandering theater group and the first female actress in the Low Countries (April 1471) ', at the University of California at Berkeley, for the class of prof. Jeroen Dewulf (Dutch Studies, Dwinelle Hall) on April 8, 2011.

- Lecture on 'How Henri Pirenne defended the unbearable lightness of the premature synthesis', at the 2011 Day of Medievalists on the theme 'Prominent Medievalists. Hundred Year of Medieval Studies in the Low Countries', at Leiden on October 21, 2011.

- Critical comments on the section 'Usage des formulaires dans les chancelleries princières, XIVe - XVe siècles' (the French principalities Burgundy and Bourbon), at the XIIIth Conference of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, on 'Les Formulaires. Compilation et circulation des modèles d'actes dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne', in the Salon du Prince of the Archives Nationales in Paris on 4 september 2012.

- Discussion with author Michelle Bubenicek, 'Entre rebellion et obéisance; la construction du sujet politique aux frontières du royaume de France' (Genève, Ed. Droz, 2013), in a debate in the series 'Les Mardis de L'Ecole des Chartes', Paris, March 26, 2013.

- Member of a Group of 'Established Scholars' during The Emerging Scholars Round Table of the New Netherland Institute', established in Albany (New York State), on the theme 'A New Feature of the Annual New Netherland Seminar', in the conference rooms of the 'Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York' on October 4, 2013. The eight 'Emerging Scholars' are all authors of a published PhD on the past of New Netherland and New Amsterdam in the 17th century.

- Lecture on 'Migration to England and its impact on places of origin. The medieval Low Countries', in the international colloquium 'Aliens, Foreigners and Strangers in Medieval England, c. AD 500 - 1500', chaired by Mark Ormrod, Joanna Story and Elizabeth Tyler, in the British Academy in Londen, on 26 and 27 march 2015.



- Director of the Seminary of Paleography and the photographical collections of original charters in the Low Countries before 1200 (University of Ghent).

- Founding member of the board of the "Centre d'Histoire de l'Ecriture" (Brussels).

- Member of the board of the Commission internationale de diplomatique (Paris) since 1971; member of the Board since 1983; secretary of this Commission since 1990, president since 1996.

- Collaboration of the collection of the "Sources d'histoire économique et sociale de l'Etat Bourguignon", edited by Prof. R.H. Bautier (Paris).

- Chairman of the Belgian Section of the "International Commission for the history of representative and parliamentary institutions" ; organised in this position an international congress in Brussels (dec. 1980) on the theme "Man versus political power", in connection with the Société Jean Bodin. Editor of a series of books on the history of parliaments ("Standen en Landen, Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'Etats").

- Secretary general of the Commission Royale d'Histoire (Brussels) since 1982; member since 1981.

- Director of a research program of the Belgian Fund for Fundamental Research, on : 'Social Structures and Topography of Poverty and Wealth in the Netherlands, 14-16 th. c.'(1983-1986).

- Collaborator of the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (The Hague, the Netherlands) as editor of the sources for the history of the Estates of Holland in the late middle ages (with Dr. J.C. Smit).

- Member of the Board of Directors of the new "Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden" (15 vol.) (1975-1983).

- Director of a research program of the Belgian Fund for Fundamental Research, on : 'A Model for Social Structures and Economic Functions in the Flemish and Brabantine Cities in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times', with H. Van der Wee, R. Van Uytven and E. Van Cauwenberghe (1987-1992).

- Director of an Interuniversity Research Program, funded by the Federal Belgian Government as one of three Centers of Excellence for Humanities in Belgium (together with the Department for Medieval History at the University of Louvain-la Neuve), on "Urban Society in the Late Middle Ages", from 1990 to 1996, continued from 1997 to 2001.

- Editor, as director of this Research Program, of a Series called 'Studies in Urban, Economic and Political History of the Medieval and Modern Low Countries', ed. Leuven-Apeldoorn, Garant, eight volumes printed from 1993 to 1999, three forthcoming.

- Member of the workgroup "Humanities-Interdisciplinarity Subgroup" of the European Center for Strategic Management of Universities, 1990.

- Coordinator for Belgium in an exchange Erasmus program on 'European History and Civilisation' with the Univ. of Leicester, Leiden, Leuven, Giessen and Santander (1991), broadened in 1994 with a connection with the US Universities of Chapel Hill and William and Mary (Williamsburg).

- Chair of a Committee of the Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad (1991) charged with a report on the scientific activity in the Flemish Universities on history and art history, and on the options for the future (report published in 1993).

- Coordinator for Belgium for a program of exchange of students (Tempus Program) linked to the Erasmus program, extended to the Universities of Budapest and Warschau (1992).

- Director of the Belgian Section of a Research Program of the Euopean Commission (Human Capital and Mobility) on European Urbanisation (december 1992). Secretary is prof. P. Clark (Leicester); other members : universities of Leiden, Strasbourg, Lisboa, Dublin and Madrid.

- Member of the Organising Committee of the Colloquium of the 'Comité International de Paléographie' at Brussels in October 1995.

- President of the Council of the Academia Belgica at Rome (February 1996).

- Chair of the meeting of the International Colloquium on 'Hansekaufleute in Brügge' organised at Bruges in April 1996.

- President of the Commission International de Diplomatique (Heidelberg, 1996).

- Co-director of the International project 'Prosopographia Burgundica', a prosopography of the elites in the Burgundian period, in the form of different databases (hôtel of the duke, members of the Councils of Flanders and Holland, participants at the Estates of the Low Countries), produced in collaboration with W. Paravicini (Institut Historique Allemand, Parijs), H. De Ridder-Symoens (Vrije Univ. Amsterdam), M. Boone (Univ. Gent) and W. Blockmans (R.U. Leiden) (January 1997).

- Member of the visitation-commission for the assessment on education and research in the History Departments of the Universities in the Netherlands (organised by the VSNU, Utrecht in 1997).

- Member of the Scientific Commission of the Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi. Series Belgica, a workgroup of the Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, patronised by the Royal Academies of Belgium, as the Belgian section of the project Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi in Paris directed by J. Vezin and H. Atsma, and patronised by the Union académique internationale (June 1997).

- Member of the visitation-commission for the assessment on research by the ING (Institute for Netherland's History) in The Hague (the Netherlands), organised by ZWO, The Hague, in May 1999.

- Member of the Review Panel for the ESF (European Science Foundation), more precisely for the Standing Scientific Committee for the Humanities, organised by Allea (All European Academies) at Amsterdam, March 2002.

- Member of the Peer Review Committee (with prof. R. McKitterick of Cambridge University and prof. G. D. Caie of University of Glasgow), organised by The Netherlands Research School for Medieval Studies at Groningen in September 2003, for the evaluation and assessment of education and research at The Netherlands Research School for Medieval Studies.

- Member of the visitation-commission for the assessment on education and research in the History Departments of the Universities in the Netherlands, organised by the Qanu (Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities) from March 2005 to March 2006.

- Member of the Midterm Review Committee (with Theo D'haen of the Universiteit Leuven and Ginette Verstraete of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), for the midterm visitation of the Onderzoeksinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur at the Universiteit Utrecht, directed by prof. Maarten Prak, on July 4, 2008.

- Member of the Committee for the Site visit in March and April 2009 for the assessment on education and research at the Fryske Akademy in Leeuwarden, ordered by the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen in Amsterdam; the Committee was chaired by Maarten Prak (Utrecht), and also composed by Jarich Hoekstra, Johan van der Auwera, Joep Leerssen and Walter Prevenier.

- Evaluation on March 23, 2010, at the invitation of the Union Académique Internationale, of a project of editions of medieval documents, called Monumenta Palaeographica Medii Aevi, project chaired by Marc Smith, professeur de paléographie at the Ecole des Chartes and J.-P. Mahé, Directeur d'études at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris.

- Member of the Programme's Selection Committee meeting, for the selection of candidates for fellowships in various European Institutes of Advanced Studies ('Assessments of EURIAS Fellowships'), sessions of November 2010 and September 2011.

- Chair of the section 'La fabrique des actes. L'atelier documentaire médiéval', at the Colloque International 'Ecrire pour saint Denis : l'hagiographie et la diplomatique dionysiennes au Moyen Age', organised by the Université Paris VIII, Vincennes Saint-Denis, and the Ecole nationale des Chartes at Paris, on 14-16 june 2012.

- Member of the Programme's Selection Committee meeting, for the selection of candidates for fellowships in various European Institutes of Advanced Studies ('Assessments of EURIAS Fellowships'), session of September 2012.

- Member of the Scientific Comittee of the Flemish-Dutch research group 'Schrift en schriftdragers in de Nederlanden in de Middeleeuwen' (since August 2013); organiser of a two-days meeting on 'Medieval Documents as artefacts, 1100-1600', in the Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg at Maastricht on 5 and 6 Februari 2014.

- Chair at the discussions on the technical workshop of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, on 'Nouvelles frontières en diplomatique. Pourquoi élargir le champ d'action de la CID?', in Gent on 24 to 26 April 2014.

- Member of a debate group at TV-channel 'Cultuur 7' on the theme : 'Has the past a future?'', together with Mark Eyskens, Frans Boenders and Willem Frijhoff, in the salon of the Académie de langue et littérature françaises at Brussels, on 5 October 2014.

- Chair of the section 'Dalla Manica agli Urali (XII-XVII secolo', at the XIVth Congress of the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, on 'I documenti del commercio e dei mercanti tra medievo e età moderna (XII - XVII sec', in the Sapienza Università di Roma and in the Ecole française de Rome, on 10 and 11 September 2015.

- Chair of the workshop 'Making Art, Making Meaning in Fifteenth-Century Flanders, organised in conjunction with the exhibition The Charterhouse of Bruges : Jan Eyck, Petrus Christus, and Jan Vos at the Frick Collection', on 19 October 2018, in Fayerweather Hall, Columbia University New York.



- Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences (Brussels) since 1985 ; ordinary member, 1989.

- Member of the Academia Europaea at Cambridge (England) (January 3, 1989).

- Corresponding Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (Cambridge Mass.) (February 4, 1992).

- Foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam), May 1996.

- Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London), May 1996.

- Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, at Princeton (May 1996).

- Member of the 'Advisory Council Dutch Language Union', an action Group for the defense of Dutch Studies in the United States, organised by the Nederlandse Taalunie in The Hague (October 2013).



1. Social history of the Low Countries (late middle ages) * Study of medieval marriage and family. * Crime in medieval cities, esp. crime on women ; the problem of decoding the texts of medieval courts, judges and other contemparies. * Role and impact of social and political networks ; systems of protectionism and clientelism. * Social and political structures in the cities.

2. Institutional history, diplomatics, text editions, historical criticism * Systems of the keeping of the memory of political and juridical decisions in the medieval cities and state bureaucracy. * Political Powers and Counterpowers in the late Middle Ages. * Methodology of history.

3. General history of the Low Countries in the 14-15 th. c.

4. Cultural history. * The impact of the culture of the court and the paradox of the lack of influence of urban literature in the urbanised Low Countries.


VIII. PUBLICATIONS (a selection)

1. On paleography and diplomatics

a. Books

- De oorkonden der graven van Vlaanderen 1191 1206, 3 volumes, 1964 1971 (Commission royale d'Histoire) (= The Charters of the Counts of Flanders).

- Normalisation internationale des méthodes de publication des documents latins du moyen-âge. Comité International de Diplomatique, Roma, 1977, 37 pp.

- Diplomatica et sigillographica. Travaux préliminaires de la Commission Internationale de Diplomatique et de la Commission Internationale de Sigillographie pour une normalisation internationale des éditions de documents et un Vocabulaire international de la Diplomatique et de Sigillographie, Zaragoza, 1984, 221 pp.

- Falsos y falsificaciones de documentos diplomaticos en la Edad Media, Zaragoza, 1991, 192 pp. (ed.).

- Vocabulaire International de la Diplomatique, (Commission Internationale de Diplomatique. Comité International des Sciences Historiques), Valencia, Servei de Publicacions Universitat de Valencia, 1994, 308 pp. (editor with Maria Milagros Carcel Orti).

- Notarial Instruments in Flanders between 1280 and 1452 (Commission royale d'Histoire, grand in-octavo), Brussels, 1995, XXVIII 350 pp. (in collaboration with J. M. Murray en M. Oosterbosch).

- Thesaurus Diplomaticus. Guide de l'utilisateur. CD-Rom. Ed. : Cetedoc. Comité national du Latin médiéval. Commission royale d'Histoire, [Turnhout], 1997 (in collaboration with P. Tombeur, Ph. Demonty and M.-P. Laviolette).

- La Commission internationale de diplomatique, 1965-2000, présentée à l'occasion du XIXe Congrès international des Sciences historiques (Oslo, 6 - 13 août 2000), avec une préface de François Bédarida, secrétaire général du C.I.S.H., Turnhout, Brepols, 2000, 34 pp.

- Diplomata Belgica. Les sources diplomatiques des Pays-Bas méridionaux aux Moyen Âge, in collaboration with Thérèse de Hemptinne, Jeroen Deploige, and Jean-Louis Kupper (eds.) (Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2015). URL:

b. Articles

- L'écriture des actes des rois de France de 1108 à 1223. A propos d'un ouvrage récent, in : Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, LIV, 1976, 2, pp. 517 527.

- La chancellerie des Comtes de Flandre dans le cadre Européen à la fin du 12ème siècle, in : Bibl. de l'Ecole des Chartes, CXXV, 1967, pp. 34 93.

- La Chancellerie des Comtes de Flandre (12ème 14ème siècles), in : Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance forschung, nr. 35 : Landesherrliche Kanzleien im Spätmittelalter. Referate zum VI. Internationalen Kongress für Diplomatik, München, 1983, München, 1984, pp. 433 454 (in coll. with Th. de Hemptinne en M. Vandermaesen).

- Ontsluiting van bronnen uit de Middeleeuwen, in : K. KOOYMANS, e.a., Bron en publicatie, 's Gravenhage, 1985, pp. 13-27.

- Le fonds photographique des chartes concernant les principautés des Pays-Bas avan 1225 et son traitement par ordinateur, in : P. RÜCK, Fotografische Sammlungen mittelalterlichen Urkunden in Europa, bd. I, Sigmaringen, 1989, pp. 131-136 (in coll. with Th. de Hemptinne).

- La chancellerie de l'empire latin de Constantinople (1204-1261), in : V.D. van Aalst en K.N. Cigaar, The Latin Empire, Hernen, 1990, pp. 63-81.

- Paleografie, in : J. Art (ed.), Hoe schrijf ik de geschiedenis van mijn gemeente ?, deel 3a, Hulpwetenschappen, Centrum voor Geschiedenis Univ. Gent, 1995, pp. 35-73.

- Zegelkunde, in : J. Art, o.c., pp. 75-89.

- Chronologie, in : J. Art, o.c., pp. 91-128.

- Traduction des termes du vocabulaire en langue néerlandaise, in : M.M. Carcel Orti (ed.), Vocabulaire International de la diplomatique, Valencia, Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, Universitat de Valencia, 1997, pp. 168-174.

- Index alphabétique des termes néerlandais, in : M.M. Carcel Orti (ed.), Vocabulaire International de la diplomatique, Valencia, Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, Universitat de Valencia, 1997, pp. 276-285.

- Les notaires publics dans les anciens Pays-Bas du XIIIe au XVIe siècle, in : P. Ostos - M. L. Pardo (eds.), Estudios sobre el Notariado Europeo (Siglos XIV - XV), Universidad de Sevilla, 1997, pp. 53-71 (in collaboration with J.M. Murray and M. Oosterbosch).

- La conservation de la mémoire par l'enregistrement dans les chancelleries princières et dans les villes des anciens Pays-Bas du moyen âge, in : K. Borchardt - E. Bünz (eds), Forschungen zur Reichs-, Papst- und Landesgeschichte, Peter Herde zum 65. Geburtstag, 1, Stuttgart, 1998, pp. 551-564.

- La production et la conservation des actes urbains dans l'Europe médiévale, in : La diplomatique urbaine en Europe au moyen âge, Actes du Congrès de la Commission internationale de Diplomatique, Gand, 25-29 août 1998, Studies in Urban Social, Economic and Political History of the Medieval and Modern Low Countries, 9, Leuven-Apeldoorn, ed. Garant, 2000, pp. 559 - 570.

- La genèse et les activités de la Commission internationale de diplomatique (1965-2000), in : W. Prevenier (ed.), La Commission internationale de diplomatique, 1965-2000, présentée à l'occasion du XIXe Congrès international des Sciences historiques (Oslo, 6 - 13 août 2000), Turnhout, Brepols, 2000, pp. 7-13.

- Urban Chanceries in the Low Countries from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century. The European Context, in: Rudolf Suntrup en Jan R. Veenstra (eds), Stadt, Kanzlei und Kultur im Uebergang zur Frühen Neuzeit. City Culture and Urban Chanceries in an Era of Change, Frankfurt am Main, 2004, pp. 3-13.

- La Flandre au moyen âge. Un pays de trilinguisme administratif, in : O. Guyotjeannin (ed.), La langue des actes. Actes du XIe Congrès international de diplomatique (Troyes, jeudi 11-samedi 13 septembre 2003), Paris, ELEC, éditions en ligne de l'Ecole des Chartes, 2005. Digital publication, via :

- Rapport sur la situation de la diplomatique en Belgique. Le bilan du XXe siècle et l'état de l'année 2005-2006, in: Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 53, 2007, pp. 405-417.

- Le notaire public medieval en Flandre, acteur sur le marché libre de la production des actes privés, in: M. Arnoux & Olivier Guyotjeannin (eds), Tabellions et tabellionages de la France médiévale et moderne, Mémoires et documents de l'Ecole des Chartes, 90, Paris, 2011, pp. 99-108.

- Sense and usefulness of diplomatic research in the 21st century. The merits of the Royal Historical Commission, in : Th. De Hemptinne & J.-M. Duvosquel (eds), Chancelleries princières et scriptoria dans les anciens Pays-Bas, Xe - Xve siècles - Vorstelijke kanselarijen en scriptoria in de Lage Landen 10de - 15de eeuw, Brussel, 2010, pp.13-18.

- Bryce Lyon and the Royal Historical Commission of Belgium, in: David Nicholas, Bernard S. Bachrach & James M. Murray (eds), Comparative Perspectives on History and Historians: Essays in Memory of Bryce Lyon (1920-2007), [Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University], Kalamazoo, MI, 2012, pp. 13-18.
Click here for the text in pdf.

- Les actes urbains, témoins d'une conscience identitaire et instruments de décision politique et de contrôle social en Flandre, à Gand en particulier, aux XIVe et XVe siècles, in : Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan & Elodie Lecuppre-Dujardin, Les mots de l'identité urbaine à la fin du moyen âge, Histoire urbaine, n° 35, décembre 2012, [Société française d'Histoire urbaine, Université Paris Est], pp. 13-30 (with Thérèse de Hemptinne).
Click here for the text in pdf.

2. Social and political history

a. Books

- Handelingen van de Leden en Staten van Vlaanderen (1384 1405). Excerpten uit de rekeningen de steden, kasselrijen en vorstelijke ambtenaren, 488 blz. (Commission royale d'Histoire).

- De Leden en de Staten van Vlaanderen (1384 1405). (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Vl. Ac. voor Wet., Lett. en Sch. K. van België, Kl. der Letteren, Verhandeling nr. 43), Brussel, 1961, 420 pp.

- Demografische evoluties en gedragspatronen van de 9de tot de 20ste eeuw in de Nederlanden, Gent, 1977, 277 pp. (ed.).

- Sociale mobiliteit en sociale structuren in Vlaanderen en Brabant van de late middeleeuwen tot de 20ste eeuw, Studia Historica Gandensia, 257, Gent, 1983, 216 pp. (ed.).

- Structures sociales et topographie de la pauvreté et de la richesse aux 14de et 15de siècles. Aspects méthodologiques et résultats de recherches récentes, Studia Historica Gandensia, 267, Gent, 1986, 176 pp. (ed. with R. Van Uytven and E. Van Cauwenberghe).

- Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de dagvaarten van de Staten en Steden van Holland vóór 1544, I, 2, 1276 1433, RGP, Grote Serie, nr. 202, 's Gravenhage, 1987, 797 pp. ; I, 1, (inleiding, lijsten en indices), RGP, Grote Serie, nr. 201, 's Gravenhage, 1991, XXVI-286 pp.

- Marriage and Social Mobility in the late Middle Ages, Studia Historica Gandensia, 274, Gent, 1989, 111 pp. (ed.), Ghent, 1992, 139 pp. (second edition).

- Bibliographies on European Urban History. Belgium. Ireland. Spain. - Uitgave van Eurocit. European Urban History Programme (EU Human Capital and Mobility Programme) en Studia Historica Gandensia (n 282), Gent, 1996, 292 pp. (in collaboration with P. Stabel).

- De gewestelijke en lokale overheidsinstellingen in Vlaanderen tot 1795, Brussel, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Studia, 72, 1997, 634 pp. (in collaboration with B. Augustijn).

- Gentse stads- en baljuwsrekeningen (1365-1376), (Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, in 4 reeks), Brussel, 1999, XXX 540 pp. (in collaboration with David Nicholas).

- Geschiedenis van Deinze. Deel 1. Deinze en Petegem in de Middeleeuwen en de Nieuwe Tijden, Deinze, 2003, 476 pp.; Deel 2. Deinze en Petegem in de 19e en 20e eeuw, Deinze, 2005, 583 pp.

- Geschiedenis van Deinze. Deel 1. Deinze en Petegem in de Middeleeuwen en de Nieuwe Tijden, Deinze, 2003; Deel 2. Deinze en Petegem in de 19e en 20e eeuw, Deinze, 2005; Deel 3. Het platteland en de dorpen in Deinze, Deinze, 2007.

- Honor, Vengeance, and Social Trouble. Pardon Letters in the Burgundian Low Countries, Cornell University Press, Ithaca - London, 2015, X + 244 pp. (in collaboration with Peter Arnade).

- Onze gratie en genade. Misdaad en vergiffenis in de Bourgondische Nederlanden, Antwerpen - Utrecht, 2015, ed. Houtekiet - Omniboek, 335 pp. (in collaboration with Peter Arnade).

b. Articles

- Openbare armenzorg in 's Hertogenbosch tijdens een groeifase 1435 1535, in : Annalen van de Belgische Vereniging voor Hospitaalgeschiedenis, (Ann. Soc. Belge d'Hist. des Hôpitaux), XII, 1974 (1976), pp. 19 78.

- De bevolking van Nieuwpoort in de 14de en 15de eeuw, in : Demografische Evoluties en Gedragspatronen van de 9de tot de 20ste eeuw in de Nederlanden (Studia Historica Gandensia, nr. 200), Gent, 1977, pp. 247 275.

- Poverty in Flanders and Brabant from the Fourteenth tot the Mid Sixteenth Century : Sources and Problems, in : Acta Historica Neerlandicae, X, 1978, pp. 20 57.

- La Bourgeoisie en Flandre au XIIIè siècle, in : Revue de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1978/4, pp. 407 428.

- Officials in Town and Countryside in the Low Countries. Social and Professional Developments from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century, in : Acta Historiae neerlandicae, vol. VII, 1974, pp. 1 17.

- La démographie des villes du comté de Flandre aux XIVème et XVème siècles. Etat de la question. Essai d'interprétation, in: Revue du Nord, LXV, n° 257, 1983, pp. 255 275.

- Y a t il une gestion et un choix délibéré dans le dosage des divers secteurs, ou les communes de l'Ancien Régime dans les Pays Bas méridionaux ont été actives ? in : Actes du Colloque International, Spa, 1 4 sept. 1982. L'initiative publique des Communes de Belgique. Fondements historiques (Ancien Régime), Crédit Communal de Belgique, Collection Histoire, n° 65, 1984, pp. 695 718.

- Ehe in der Gesellschaft des Mittelalters, in : Lexikon des Mittelalters, III, Lief. 52, 1986, kol. 1635 1640 (in coll. with Th. de Hemptinne).

- 1300-1500. The 'city-state' dream, in : J. DECAVELE, Ghent. In Defence of a Rebellious City, Antwerp, 1989, pp. 80-105 (with M. Boone).

- Quelques réflexions sur la situation de l'individu face au pouvoir dans les Pays-Bas de l'Ancien Régime, in : Rec. J. Bodin, XLVIII, Man versus Political Power, 3rd part, Bruxelles, 1989, pp. 349-365.

- Violence against Women in a Medieval Metropolis : Paris around 1400, in : B.S. Bachrach - D. Nicholas, Law, Custom, and the Social Fabric in Medieval Europe, Essays in Honor of Bryce Lyon, [Studies in Medieval Culture, XXVIII, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 1990, pp. 262-284.

- Le réseau urbain en Flandre (XIIIe.-XIXe. siècle) : composantes et dynamique, in : Le réseau urbain en Belgique dans une perspective historique (1350-1850), Actes - 15 e. Colloque International 1990, Crédit Communal, Bruxelles, 1992, pp. 157-200.

- Les villes des Pays-Bas méridionaux au bas moyen âge : identité urbaine et solidarités corporatives, in : Bulletin du Crédit Communal, CLXXXIII, 1993-1, pp. 25-42 (with M. Boone).

- Geforceerde huwelijken en politieke clans in de Nederlanden : de ontvoering van de weduwe van Guy van Humbercourt door Adriaan Vilain in 1477, in : H. Soly - R. Vermeir (ed.), Beleid en bestuur in de oude Nederlanden. Liber amicorum prof. dr. M. Baelde, Gent, 1993, pp. 299-307.

- Revendications salariales et conjoncture économique : les salaires de foulons à Gand et à Leyde au XV e. siècle, in : E. Aerts, e.a. (ed.), Studia Historica Oeconomica. Liber amicorum Herman van der Wee, Leuven, 1993, pp. 59-74 (with M. Boone and H. Brand).

- Les triangles et dans les Pays-Bas Bourguignons du XVe siècle, in : F. Alvarez-Péreyre, Le Politique et le Religieux, Cahiers du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem, Jérusalem, 1995, pp. 119-137.

- Sept cents ans de vie urbaine à Mons, in : J.-M. Cauchies (ed.), 700 ans de franchises à Mons. Les privilèges de Jean d'Avesnes (1295). Actes du colloque du 14 octobre 1995 (ed. Annales du Cercle Archéologique de Mons, 77), 1996, pp. 227-235.

- Chivalric and Urban Culture in the Low Countries during the Late Middle Ages, in : J. Deleu (ed.), The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands. A Yearbook, 1997-1998, 278-280.

- Violence against Women in Fifteenth-Century France and the Burgundian State, in : B.A. Hanawalt and D. Wallace (eds), Medieval Crime and Social Control, Minneapolis - London, University of Minnesota Press, 1999 (Medieval Cultures, Volume 16), pp. 186-203.

- The Low Countries, 1290-1415, in : M. Jones (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History, voL. VI, c. 1300 - c. 1415, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 570-594, 1007-1014.

- La stratégie et le discours politique des ducs de Bourgogne concernant les rapts et les enlèvements de femmes parmi les élites des Pays-Bas au XVe siècle, in : J. Hirschbiegel - W. Paravicini (eds), Das Frauenzimmer. Die Frau bei Hofe in Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit. 6. Symposium der Residenzen-Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Dresden 26. bis 29. September 1998, Stuttgart, 2000, pp. 429-437.

- Conscience et perception de la condition sociale chez les gens du commun dans les anciens Pays-Bas des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, in : P. Boglioni, R. Delort, Cl. Gauvard, Le petit peuple dans l'Occident médiéval. Terminologies, perceptions, réalités, Actes du Congrès de Montréal 1999, Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2002, pp. 175-189.

- Gender and early emancipation in the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages and early modern period, in : Jessica Munns and Penny Richards (eds), Gender, Power and Privilege in Early Modern Europe, Harlow – London, 2003, pp. 21-39, 176-180 (in samenwerking met Thérèse de Hemptinne en Marc Boone).

- Methodological and Historiographical Footnotes on Emotions in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, in : E. Lecuppre-Desjardin en A.-L. Van Bruaene (eds), Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th – 16th Century). Les emotions au Coeur de la ville (XIVe – XVIe siècle), Turnhout, 2005, pp. 273-293.

- Mechelen circa 1500. A Cosmopolitan Biotope for Social Elites and Non-conformists, in : D. Eichberger (ed.), Women of Distinction. Margaret of York. Margaret of Austria, Turnhout, 2005, pp. 31-41.

- Courtship, in : Margaret Schaus (editor), Women and Gender in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia, New York – London, Routledge, 2006, pp. 177-180.

Les sources de la pratique judiciaire en Flandre du XIIe au XVe siècle et leur mise en oeuvre par les historiens, in: Jacques Chiffoleau, Claude Gauvard et Andrea Zorzi, Pratiques sociales et politiques judiciaires dans les villes de l'occident à la fin du moyen âge [Collection de l'Ecole Française de Rome, 185], Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2007, pp. 105-123.

- New views and new data on public services in the medieval and early modern Low Countries, in : Manon van der Heijden, Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Griet Vermeesch en Martijn van der Burg (eds.), Serving the Urban Community. The Rise of Public Facilities in the Low Countries, Amsterdam, Aksant, 2009, pp. 242-253.

- Vorstelijke genade in de praktijk. Remissiebrief voor Matthieu Cricke en diens mede-acteurs voor vermeende vrouwenroof in oktober 1476, slechts geïnterineerd na kritische verificatie door de raadsheren van het Parlement van Mechelen, in : Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, CLXXV, 2009, pp. 225-258.

- Utilitas communis in the Low Countries (thirteenth - fifteenth centuries): from social mobilisation to legitimation of power, in : E. Lecuppre-Desjardin en A.-L. Van Bruaene (eds), De bono communi. The Discourse and Practice of the Common Good in the European City (13th - 16th c.), [Studies in European Urban History, 22], Turnhout, 2010, pp. 205-216.

- Children in the Low Countries, in: R. E. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, vol. 1, pp. 384-385.

- Members and Estates of Flanders, in: R. E. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, vol. 3, p. 1122.

- Women in the Low Countries, in: R. E. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, vol. 4, pp. 1766-1769.

- The Two Faces of Pardon Jurisdiction in the Burgundian Netherlands. A Royal Road to Social Cohesion and an Effectual Instrument of Princely Clientelism, in: P. Hoppenbrouwers, Antheun Janse en Robert Stein (eds), Power and Persuasion. Essays on the Art of State Building in Honour of W. P. Blockmans, Turnhout, Brepols Publ., 2010, pp. 177 - 195.
Click here for the text in pdf.

- La prostitution et le concubinage dans les anciens Pays-Bas du 15e siècle. Fidélité au droit canon, préoccupation de l'ordre social, avidité financière, hypocrisie", in: Michiel Decaluwé, Véronique Lambert & Dirk Heirbaut (eds.), Inter amicos. Liber Amicorum Monique Van Melkebeek [Iuris Scripta Historica, XXVI, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België], Brussel, 2011, pp. 59-85.
Click here for the text in pdf.

- Amerika bestaat niet, in: Jo Detavernier (ed.), Mijn Amerika. Vlamingen en Nederlanders over hun Verenigde Staten, Kalmthout, uitg. Pelckmans, 2012, pp. 129-137
Click here for the text in pdf.

- New Insights on the origins of New Netherland, in : Nieuwsbrief van de Nederlandse Taalunie, 17 october 2013
Click here for the text in pdf.

- The Notions of Honor and Adultery in the Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Netherlands, in: David Nicholas, Bernard S. Bachrach & James M. Murray (eds), Comparative Perspectives on History and Historians: Essays in Memory of Bryce Lyon (1920-2007), [Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University], Kalamazoo, MI, 2012, pp. 259-278.
Click here for the text in pdf.

- Quand un honorable bourgeois de Malines, 'marié avec une bonne et honeste femme', s'encanaille dans une compagnie de théâtre en marge de la bonne société (1475), in Marie Bouhaïk-Gironès, Jelle Koopmans & Katell Lavéant (eds), La Permission et la sanction. Théories légales et pratiques du théâtre (xive-xviie s.), Collection "Rencontres", série "Civilisation médiévale", Paris, ed. Garnier, 2017, pp. 141-163.
Click here for the text in pdf.

3. Historiography and Historical Methodology

a. Books

- Overzicht van de Geschiedkundige Kritiek, Gent, 1980.

- Uit goede bron. Introductie tot de historische kritiek, Leuven-Apeldoorn, 1992, 224 pp. ; 10th revised ed., 2004, 208 pp. (the last in collaboration with Martha Howell and Marc Boone).

- From Reliable Sources. An Introduction to Historical Methods, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2001, 207 pp. (in collaboration with Martha Howell).

- Werkstatt des Historikers. Eine Einführung in die historischen Methoden, Köln - Weimar – Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2004, VI + 261 pp. (in collaboration with Martha Howell).

- De bewogen beginjaren van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (1938-1949), [Reeks Academica nr. 7], Brussel, KVAB Press, 2013, 192 pp.; editor with Els Witte and Hans Rombaut.

b. Articles

- L'école des "Annales" et l'historiographie néerlandaise, in: Septentrion, VII, nr. 1, 1978, pp. 47 54.

- Geschiedenisvervalsing onder dictaturen, in : De Vlaamse Gids, LXII, nr. 4, juli aug. 1978, pp. 46 59.

- Hoofdtrekken en resultaten van de geschiedschrijving in België na Wereldoorlog II, in : Ons Erfdeel, XXII (4), 1979, pp. 553 562.

- Chroniken von Flandern, in : Lexicon des Mittelalters, II, Lief. 64, 1983, kol. 2031 2032.

- La Commission Royale d'Histoire pendant les vingt cinq dernières années (1959 1984), in : Bulletin de la Comm. Roy. d'Hist., CL, Bruxelles, 1984, pp. 41 71.

- Henri Pirenne et les villes des anciens Pays Bas au bas moyen âge (XIVe XVe siècles), in : Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1986, numéro spécial : 28, pp. 27 50. Pirenne à Gand, in : F. BIERLAIRE J.L. KUPPER, Henri Pirenne de la cité de Liège à la ville de Gand, Actes du colloque organisé à l'Université de Liège le 13 décembre 1985, Liège, 1987, pp. 23 44.

- Bolland, J. ; Fruin, R. ; Gachard, L.-P. ; Ganshof, F.-L. ; Geyl, P. ; Huizinga, J. ; Kluit, A. ; Papenbroeck, D. von ; Pirenne, H. ; Romein, J. ; Werveke, H. van, in : R. vom Bruch - R.A. Müller, Historikerlexikon, München, 1991.

- Macht en onmacht van journalisten, politici en rechters. De casus van Sabra en Chatila in Beyrouth, Libanon, in 1982-1983, in : J. Art - L. François (eds), Docendo discimus. Liber Amicorum Romain van Eenoo, Gent, 1999, pp.445-462.

- Henri Pirenne (1862-1935), in: H. Duchhardt, e.a. (eds), Europa-Historiker. Ein biographisches Handbuch, II, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2007, pp. 147-167.

- Henri Pirenne (1862-1935), in: Ph. Daileader en Ph. Whalen, New Historical Writing in Twentieth-Century France. French Historians, 1900 - 2000, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 486-500.

- Ysengrinus (Isegrim, Isengrim), in: R. E. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, vol. 4, pp. 1780-1781.

- 'Ceci n'est pas un historien'. Construction and deconstruction of Henri Pirenne, in : Marc Boone, Claire Billen & Sarah Keymeulen (eds), Henri Pirenne (1862-1935) : a Belgian historian and the development of social and historical sciences, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis, XLI, 2011, pp. 553 - 573.
Click here for the text in pdf.

- L'hypothèse d'une transtextualité entre les lettres de rémission des ducs de Bourgogne et la littérature de fiction du XVe siècle, in : Paul Delsalle e.a. (eds), Pour la singulière affection qu'avons à luy. Etudes bourguignonnes offertes à Jean-Marie Cauchies, Burgundica XXIV, Turnhout, Brepols, 2017, pp. 373-380.
Click here for the text in pdf.

4. Burgundian society

- 'Intervention during a debate on the publication of the book 'De Bourgondiërs' by Bart Van Loo, on June 1, 2019'. Video fragment.

a. Books

- The 4th volume of the Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, Haarlem, 1980, 500 pp. (direction/author).

- De Bourgondische Nederlanden, Antwerpen, 1983, 406 pp.

- Les Pays Bas Bourguignons, Paris, 1983, 408 pp.

- The Burgundian Netherlands, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985, 405 pp.

- Die Burgundische Niederlände, Weinheim, 405 pp. (the last four books in collaboration with W. Blockmans).

- Les Pays Bas Bourguignons, Gand, 1985, 36 pp.

- In de ban van Bourgondië, Houten, 1988, 174 pp.

- De Bourgondiërs. De Nederlanden op weg naar eenheid. 1384 - 1530, Amsterdam - Leuven, Meulenhoff Monografieën over Europese cultuur, 1997, 288 pp. (in collaboration with W. Blockmans); 2 nd. ed., Amsterdam, 2000.

- Le prince et le peuple. Images de la société du temps des ducs de Bourgogne, 1384-1530, Anvers, Fonds Mercator, 1998, 414 pp. (general editor and author of several chapters).

- The Promised Lands. The Low Countries Under Burgundian Rule, 1369-1530, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999, XVIII + 286 pp. (in collaboration with W. Blockmans).

b. Articles

- Flandern, Von späten 12.Jhr. bis zum frühen 16.Jhr., in : Lexikon des Mittelalters, IV, München, 1987, col. 518-524.

- Historical foundation of the Belgian State up to 1830, in : Ph. BODSON, a.o., Belgium, Unity of Diversity, Tielt, 1987, pp. 16-18.

- Court and city culture in the Low Countries from 1100 to 1530, in : E. Kooper (ed.), Medieval Dutch Literature in its European Context, Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, Cambridge, University Press, 1994, pp. 11-29.

- Culture et groupes sociaux dans les villes des anciens Pays-Bas au moyen âge, in : J.M. Duvosquel, J. Nazet, A. Vanrie, Les Pays-Bas bourguignons. Histoire et Institutions. Mélanges André Uyttebrouck, Bruxelles, 1996, pp. 349-359.

- Les aspects idéologiques et les fonctions sociales des arts et des fêtes à l'époque bourguignonne, in : Annales de Bourgogne, 80, 2009, n° 317-318, pp. 3-19.

- Burgundian Netherlands, in: R. E. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, vol. 1, pp. 304-308.

- Le parfum cosmopolite des villes des anciens Pays-Bas du XVe siècle, source d'un comportement social, éthique et culturel spécifique, in: Alain Dierkens, e. a. (eds), Villes et villages, organisation et représentation de l'espace. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Marie Duvosquel, Bruxelles, 2011, pp. 619-632.

5. Free thinking and liberalism

a. Books

- De weg naar de macht (1998-2006), in : M. Bots, Beknopte geschiedenis van de Liberale Partij, 2e ed., Gent, 2006, hoofdstuk 8. Digital publication :

- La fondation du PLP – PVV et ses conséquences (1958-1968), in : H. Hasquin (ed.), Les libéraux belges. Histoire et actualité du libéralisme, Centre Jean Gol, Bruxelles, 2006, pp. 105-117.

- Les libéraux flamands. Du PVV au VLD (1968-2006), in : H. Hasquin (ed.), Les libéraux belges. Histoire et actualité du libéralisme, Centre Jean Gol, Bruxelles, 2006, pp. 119-154.

- Voor Mens en Streek Herman De Croo Centrum, Gent, Liberaal Archief en Herman De Croo Centrum, 2013, Walter Prevenier & Kurt Braeckman, eds.

- Albert Maertens, 1915-2015, Gent, Liberaal Archief, 2015, 132 pp.

- 35 jaar erfgoedbeleid. 35 jaar Liberaal Archief, Gent, Liberaal archief, 2016, X - 143 pp. (in collaboration with Jan Kerremans and Peter Laroy).

- Herman De Croo. Visionair liberaal. 50 jaar in het Parlement. Een maatschappelijk bewogen leven, Brussel - Gent, ed. VUBpress en Liberaal Archief - Liberas, 2018, 408 pp.

b. Articles

- In verwondering en bewondering. Het rijke liberale leven van Albert Maertens 1915-2015, in : Albert Maertens, 1915-2015, Gent, Liberaal Archief, 2015, pp. 65-119.

6. Digital publications

1.La "trahison des clercs" et le poids politico-social de la bureaucratie dans les Pays-Bas (XIIe - XVIe siècles, in: L'Emergenza sorica delle attività terziarie, Atti della Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini. Le Settimane di Studi, Prato, 1982. Via:

2. La Flandre au moyen âge. Un pays de trilinguisme administratif, in : O. Guyotjeannin (ed.), La langue des actes. Actes du XIe Congrès international de diplomatique (Troyes, jeudi 11-samedi 13 septembre 2003), Paris, ELEC, éditions en ligne de l'Ecole des Chartes, 2005. via : (in samenwerking met Th. De Hemptinne).

3. Nasilje nad ?enama u srednjevjekovnoj metropoli: Pariz oko 1400. godine, in: KOLO. Casopis Matice hrvatske 1, proljece 2003. Naklada Matice hrvatske. Zagreb, pp. 316-335. via:

4. Prinsen en poorters. Beelden van de laat-middeleeuwse samenleving in de Bourgondische Nederlanden, 1384-1530, Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, 1998, 414 pp. (digitale editie: Leiden, 2008 in de Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren). Via: (

5. La chancellerie des comtes de Flandre dans le cadre européen à la fin du XIIe siècle, in : Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes, CXXV, 1967, pp. 34-93. via :

6. L'école des "Annales" et l'historiographie néerlandaise, in: Septentrion, VII, 1, 1978, pp. 47-54. Via :

7. A Reflection on Cultural Identities in the Scope of Multiculturalism: An Interview with Professor Walter Prevenier, By Siyu Cai and Hyerim Ko, in: Multicultural Netherlands, Berkeley, 2012, website:

8. La Chancellerie des Comtes de Flandre (12ème-14ème siècle), in : Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissanceforschung, herausgegeben von Gabriel Silagi, nr. 35 : Landsherrliche Kanzleien im Spätmittelalter. Referate zum VI. Internationalen Kongress für Diplomatik, München, 1983, München, 1984, pp. 433-454 (in samenwerking met Th. de Hemptinne en M. Vandermaesen); now digitally available:

9. Van Werveke, Hans (1898-1974), in :; augustus 2014.